Detail from Silver Before Photography, 2016, Wenyon & Gamble, installation with 400 x 300 mm hologram.
Wenyon & Gamble
Out of Place
November 4 – December 17, 2016
Opening Reception: Thursday, November 3rd from 6-8 pm
Magnan Metz Gallery is pleased to present its third exhibition by Wenyon & Gamble. Out of Place will be on view from November 4th – December 17th with an artist reception on November 3rd 6-8 pm.
Out of Place questions the ‘newness’ often assumed in presentations of technology. The artists employ different media ––holograms and daguerreotypes––to reflect on the past and the sentimental lure of objects as they fade into history. With images of index boxes, coal and silver, the exhibit looks at subjects old and obsolete.
Silver Before Photography is a hologram of English silverware manufactured before the invention of photography. The silverware looks modern and ageless. It is illuminated by diffused lighting reflecting from two recent Apple™ devices that are not themselves visible. In the jug, a small Apple™ logo is visible in reflection. The hologram presents the illusion of antique spoons and ladles, resting on a table, ready for use.
The hologram itself was possibly the last analogue photographic process to use silver salts. Here the 20th-century medium provides a window onto silver objects from an age before photography.
Susan Gamble and Michael Wenyon have worked together since 1983 with holography and photography.
Susan Gamble (b. London, 1957) and Michael Wenyon (b. Dayton, Ohio 1955) live in London and New York and have collaborated since 1983. They share differing backgrounds in art and science. Susan Gamble has a BA in Fine Art, Goldsmiths’ College, London, an MPhil & PhD, in the History of Science, Cambridge University, UK; Michael Wenyon has BSc in Physics, Bristol University, UK and an MSc in Optics, Imperial College, London. Their works are in collections such as The Victoria & Albert Museum, London; the M.I.T. Collection, Boston; the National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC and the National Academies of Science, Washington DC and have been exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art and Tate Liverpool, UK.
For additional information and images, please contact info@magnanmetz.com